Maldives biggest contemporary art exhibition, Unveiling Visions, has publicly announced for applications for artist who are interested in joining their annual art exhibition. Organized by Maldivian Artist Community (MAC), Unveiling Visions is biggest group exhibition happening in the Maldives every year. The exhibition has been going on successfully for 5 years. The exhibition aims to bring together brilliant artists from throughout the country to present their work and gain visibility
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Artists blows whistle on theft and fraud as NFT crime proliferates
We, the Maldivian artist community, are disappointed to have discovered yet another case of stolen art listed as a NFT, particularly inside our own community.
The artwork belonged to Ali Rishwaan (@cartman.ayya), a talented local artist, from whom it was taken from his Instagram and published by another party, a local entrepreneur, Sharif Mohamed (@sharifmv), on the Openseas platform for sale without the artist’s consent.