Maldives biggest contemporary art exhibition, Unveiling Visions, has publicly announced for applications for artist who are interested in joining their annual art exhibition. Organized by Maldivian Artist Community (MAC), Unveiling Visions is biggest group exhibition happening in the Maldives every year. The exhibition has been going on successfully for 5 years. The exhibition aims to bring together brilliant artists from throughout the country to present their work and gain visibility
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The most awaited contemporary art exhibition Unveiling Visions is ready to start from 4th December to 14th December 2021 at the National Art Gallery. Unveiling Visions is an annual art exhibition organized by Maldivian Artist Community and is the biggest art exhibition held in the Maldives. Despite the hard times, MAC has been able to present Unveiling Visions each year successfully, breaking the records as no other art group has been able to come this far. The exhibition showcases original works and provides a lot of exposure and opportunities to the artists.
Unveiling Visions 2020 – Maldives Contemporary Art exhibition open for public with 52 Visual Artists
By far, Maldivian Artist Community is the only NGO working actively in the Maldives and organizing exhibitions involving so many artists. Our annual exhibitions welcome all artists across the country as a platform to showcase their great talent. This is the fifth year of our NGO and the fourth annual exhibition with the name “Unveiling Visions”.