“Faruma International Youth Art Festival” opens on 8th May 2023
The Faruma International Art Festival is rapidly approaching, and we cordially invite you to partake in this exceptional event! From May 8th to May 13th, 2023, the festival will be held at the Social Centre, where we have a captivating array of events and activities in store for attendees.
Maldives biggest contemporary art exhibition, Unveiling Visions, has publicly announced for applications for artist who are interested in joining their annual art exhibition. Organized by Maldivian Artist Community (MAC), Unveiling Visions is biggest group exhibition happening in the Maldives every year. The exhibition has been going on successfully for 5 years. The exhibition aims to bring together brilliant artists from throughout the country to present their work and gain visibility
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Artists blows whistle on theft and fraud as NFT crime proliferates
We, the Maldivian artist community, are disappointed to have discovered yet another case of stolen art listed as a NFT, particularly inside our own community.
The artwork belonged to Ali Rishwaan (@cartman.ayya), a talented local artist, from whom it was taken from his Instagram and published by another party, a local entrepreneur, Sharif Mohamed (@sharifmv), on the Openseas platform for sale without the artist’s consent.
The most awaited contemporary art exhibition Unveiling Visions is ready to start from 4th December to 14th December 2021 at the National Art Gallery. Unveiling Visions is an annual art exhibition organized by Maldivian Artist Community and is the biggest art exhibition held in the Maldives. Despite the hard times, MAC has been able to present Unveiling Visions each year successfully, breaking the records as no other art group has been able to come this far. The exhibition showcases original works and provides a lot of exposure and opportunities to the artists.
Maldives International Art Exhibition – 2021
Maldives International Art Exhibition 2021 is schedule to be open on 23rd October 2021 evening at National Art Gallery, Maldives. Exhibition is organised by SMD Art Foundation India, in collaboration with Indian Culture Centre, High Commission of India Maldives and Maldivian Artist Community – MAC and National Art Gallery Maldives.
Paintings which come to life-Mohammed Hammadh
Mohammed Hammadh is a professional artists born in Adh.Mahibadhoo. Starting from his childhood, Hammadh always used to enjoy art but got more involved in art by doing sketches after moving to India for further studies. After a period of time, he started painting with oil paint which led him to paint more and more. Hammadh took art as a career after getting a job opportunity to work as an artist in Bandos Island Resort in 2015.
I want to turn my passion into a career, says Hishma
My name is Aminath Hishma Zakariyya. I was born and raised in Male’ and I’m a self-taught artist. I always see my sisters and cousins drawing and their talent always amazed me so I started drawing from a very young age and I think that’s how I got interested in art. When I was a kid, I use to spend my time making cards for my family members and sewing dresses for my dolls and making tiny furniture’s for them. I believe that’s how I got interested and fonder with handicraft works rather than fine arts.
A pilot with an artist’s soul!
Aishath Sajiyaan Abdul Sattar commonly known as Yaana or as her Instagram name “regularpizza”, grew up always enjoying art as a part of her life. Thanking her amazing mother who has been supporting her from childhood till today, Yaana has been participating in art competitions from a very young age with several awards won. However, she started posting her artworks to public from 2016 onwards.
Artist of the month February 2021 – Gaihal
Mohamed Gailhal is a 22-year-old digital artist born in Male’, Maldives. He was introduced to art from an early age when his mother bought him a drawing block and drawing guides. He continued his interest in drawing in school but never took it seriously until recently.