Maldives biggest contemporary art exhibition, Unveiling Visions, has publicly announced for applications for artist who are interested in joining their annual art exhibition. Organized by Maldivian Artist Community (MAC), Unveiling Visions is biggest group exhibition happening in the Maldives every year. The exhibition has been going on successfully for 5 years. The exhibition aims to bring together brilliant artists from throughout the country to present their work and gain visibility
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Maldives International Art Exhibition – 2021
Maldives International Art Exhibition 2021 is schedule to be open on 23rd October 2021 evening at National Art Gallery, Maldives. Exhibition is organised by SMD Art Foundation India, in collaboration with Indian Culture Centre, High Commission of India Maldives and Maldivian Artist Community – MAC and National Art Gallery Maldives.
A pilot with an artist’s soul!
Aishath Sajiyaan Abdul Sattar commonly known as Yaana or as her Instagram name “regularpizza”, grew up always enjoying art as a part of her life. Thanking her amazing mother who has been supporting her from childhood till today, Yaana has been participating in art competitions from a very young age with several awards won. However, she started posting her artworks to public from 2016 onwards.